Mini-Project: Orrery 01

BA3 Research and Development

For the new mini-project we have been given the task to create concept art for a orrery with a model sheet and iteration. An orrery is a 3D diagram of a solar system. I started by collecting photographs of orrery’s and watches with diagrams on them. I think I want to keep the design 3D though.832fff4d86dda931f4348101f3c3d285 Glikerson-orrery Graham_Orrery-1 Grand_orrery_in_Putnam_Gallery,_2009-11-24 grand-orrery-planetarium orrery Orrery_small

I expanded on the statue idea by drawing some quick sketches in different positions. I mainly used dancers as a reference because I liked the dynamic way they were when in mid movement. My favourite ideas were the ones with wings as I think this adds a different texture to the statue.

My idea for the planets was that they would be holographic which you can see with the different way I drew them.

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Evaluation 01

BA3 Research and Development

I found the insect project was quite fun to do I particularly liked researching the different animals and coming to my own conclusions about what I wanted to create. I tried to rush the design process at first though, which is why there are more iterations, so I had to go through the silhouette stage again to really get a good grasp on the design that I wanted top create. In the end I felt that the final piece was good in a dynamic sort of way, because I got the movement of the wings and the fur. However, I feel like my lighting could’ve been better and this is a thing that I have always had problems with, so I should look for information on fixing this problem in the future.

Wild West Films

Specialism (BA6)

FistfulofDollarsPoster FistfulofDollarsScreenshot01 FistfulofDollarsScreenshot02 FistfulofDollarsScreenshot03

FistfulofDollarsScreenshot04 HighNoonPoster HighNoonScreenshot01 HighNoonScreenshot02 HighNoonScreenshot03 OnceUponaTimeinTheWestPoster OnceUponaTimeinTheWestScreenshot01 OnceUponaTimeinTheWestScreenshot02 OnceUponaTimeinTheWestScreenshot03 SierraMadrePoster SierraMadreScreenshot SierraMadreScreenshot02 SierraMadreScreenshot03 TheGoodtheBadandtheUglyPoster TheGoodtheBadandtheUglyScreenshot01 TheGoodtheBadandtheUglyScreenshot02 TheGoodtheBadandtheUglyScreenshot03 TheGoodtheBadandtheUglyScreenshot04 TheSearcherScreenshot01 TheSearcherScreenshot02 TheSearcherScreenshot03 TheSearcherScreenshot04 TheSearchersPoster TheWildBunchScreenshot01 TheWildBunchScreenshot02 TheWildBunchScreenshot03 TheWildBunchScreenshot04 ThWildBunchPoster TrueGritPoster TrueGritScreenshot01 TrueGritScreenshot02 TrueGritScreenshot03 TrueGritScreenshot04 UnforgivenPoster UnforgivenScreenshot01 UnforgivenScreenshot02 UnforgivenScreenshot03

The Western or Wild West genre was developed in the 1930’s and 1940’s America during Hollywood’s  so called “Golden Age”. The films and books that are based around the Western theme are based at a time in the United States history when people set out between the 1783–1920 to make settlements and money in the western territories which were largely unexplored wilderness.

Western films tend romanticise and exaggerate the violence and life around this time because of many of the stories that had developed around the time, this is called the “Myth of the West”. The Western genre is so well defined that it even has its own character archetypes specific, such as the lawman, outlaw and cowboy.

Life Drawing 02

BA3 Research and Development


I did life drawing where I focused on drawing quick sketches of the model in various positions I got better toward the end but I still think I need a lot more practice so that it will become a lot easier to do in the future and when I am creating from my imagination.IMG_0071

I did more practice with paints this time focusing on the skull I found it a lot easier to draw when using the limited palette that the lecturer told us about. I also focused on a smaller area which made it a lot easier than last time.

Life Drawing 01

BA3 Research and Development, Life Drawings

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It has been a while since I have done life drawing but I thought the quick sketches went well they were quite difficult because of the box and my problems with perspective but I think I managed to interpret the shape of the body well.

The painting I don’t think went well and the paints look quite muddy and messy, I probably could’ve solved this by having a bigger picture so i wasn’t forcing all the colours so close together. It’s something to think about for the next time.

Mini-Project – Insects 01

BA3 Research and Development

Along with the main project I will also be doing mini-projects this one is all about insects and what we come up with. I like the idea of doing a character design on a specific insect so that is my main goal at the end of this project, mainly because I like making character designs.

Alder_leaf_beetle_from_the_High_Tatras_(7663242448) butterfly-head-shot-jason-moynihan centipede gypsy-moth house-centipede-frontal

USA: Missouri (no locality). Preserved specimen on white filter paper.

USA: Missouri (no locality). Preserved specimen on white filter paper.

Lymantria_dispar01 o-MOTH2-570 rhino-beetle-emlen-130312

I started by looking at lots of different insects I liked the colours on beetles but I was more interested in the textures and body structure of the moths and centipedes. I think the moth looks a bit like it has a cape. I have been doing some sketches of these insects to get used to the body shapes.IMG_0062 IMG_0063 IMG_0064 IMG_0065 IMG_0066

The last centipede is more of an alien or a horrific monster but it seems a bit cliche to do this as I think it has been done many times before so I think I will focus on the moth idea. Variations Moth

This was my first try at trying to create the moth aliens, however I think that they look too much like just moths standing up and have quite simple colour and design so I am going to do more research and come up with better designs.

Adding Glow Effect

Specialism (BA6)

The magic in this design all have glowing orbs, I created the glow effect by using this method.

Glow 01

I drew a wisp in photoshop and go up to the layer menu.Glow 02

Under Layer Style there should be an outer glow option.Glow 03

On this menu you should change the colour to the same as the glowing object.Glow 04

This will give the glow a softer look and look more natural.Glow 05

You should change the size and spread of the glow so it is visible. You can also change the range and jitter in this menu.Glow

I use this method for the sisters and the wisp mother’s magic because their magic is very similar.

Directed Study: Feedback

Directed Study, Specialism (BA6)

Following our conference, we have been given some feedback from Gina Jackson about where our game design could lead. The main point was to look at further research into the subjects we are focusing on. In Wizard of Oz there are good and bad witches, Gina made the point that men are not always the ones holding women back sometimes women hold other back. Because emotions are extremely complex and people don’t always do the right thing even if the right thing is obvious.

3170838-1939-glinda wicked-witch

It may also be interesting to look up lots of different fairy stories and see how they could influence our work more.



Facial Expressions and Model Sheet: Brother (BA6)

Specialism (BA6)

I have been making a facial expression sheet for the brother character. This was seen in my research into the Legend of Zelda concept pieces, where they showed different expressions. I wanted to see a range of emotions that he could make during the game, which will also help me when it comes to the final concept pieces. This also helps me figure out the character, this is where my biography comes into play.Facial Expressions

I also did a full model sheet with both the sides so that I have a reference point for future use of this character.back and front and sides colour

I think these went well I just need to do a movement for this character then I can focus on other characters.

Colour Symbolism in Art

Specialism (BA6)

Following my research into Surrealism I realise the importance of colour and what it can symbolize. So this is what I have learnt about colours, note that colours can mean different things depending on where you come from, but I am focusing on the Western symbolism.

Red Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence

Pink symbolizes love and romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm.

Beige and ivory symbolize unification. Ivory symbolizes quiet and pleasantness. Beige symbolizes calm and simplicity.

Yellow signifies joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard and friendship.

Dark Blue: Symbolizes integrity, knowledge, power, and seriousness.

Blue: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant.

Turquoise symbolizes calm. Teal symbolizes sophistication. Aquamarine symbolizes water. Lighter turquoise has a feminine appeal.

Purple: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, honor, arrogance, mourning, temperance.

Lavender symbolizes femininity, grace and elegance.

Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention.

Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, service, inexperience, envy, misfortune, vigor.

Brown: Earth, stability, hearth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, simplicity, and comfort.

Gray: Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring. Silver symbolizes calm.

White: Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage (Western cultures)

Black: Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, good technical color, mourning, death (Western cultures), austerity, detachment.


Franz Marc – This artist interests me because you can clearly see the change in his work change. In The Large Blue Horse which was created in 1911 he uses blue to symbolize masculinity and spirituality, his work is playful and fun. the-large-blue-horses

But during the 1930’s his work was oppressed by the Nazi’s and his hope in the world seemed to diminish. You can see this clearly in his work The Fate of the Animals. The animals are distorted and his use of colours are dark and foreboding.Franz_Marc-The_fate_of_the_animals-1913

Journey – This video game is a visual representation of the Hero’s Story. The game uses colour to show both hope and fear during the course of the game. You can see that clearly in this concept art piece.journey_conceptart_xxeYb