Roles in the Game Industry

Contextual Studies

Roles in the game industry can be in different categories; Game Design, Art and Animation, Programming, Audio, Quality Assurance, Production Management and Publishing and Organisational Management. The most relevant category to me is Art and Animation so I researched more into this.

Art and Animation:

Creative Manager, Previs Artist, Art Director, Technical Artist, Lead Artist, Artist, Concept Artist, Animator, Environmental Artist and 3D Modeller.

The most interesting job to me is Concept Artist. The concept artist’s job is to visualise and produce a character, item or area.


Reference Photos: Steampunk Dresses

Seven Virtues

Because my character is going to have a feminine body with the jellyfish part if her body will look like a skirt so I thought it would be a good idea to research into steam punk dresses because they tend to have huge skirts and small waists.4f17cd6bb61f2fafa3a7293ade576095 10203536625250003RZqbxnfXc steampunk_dress_by_marcoribbe



Brown Dress:

Red Dress:

Two Dresses: